Tuesday, November 12, 2013

10 Signs You Are Getting Old

We Baby Boomers thought we would never get old.

We are the "Peter Pan Generation."

Remember "Don't trust anyone over 30?"

This is what I think I still look like.

Then this arrives in the mail.


What the...?   It almost gave me a heart attack.

But it also gave me pause and put me in touch with reality and my own mortality.

We Baby Boomers are getting old. 

How do you know when you are getting old?

You know you are getting old when...

1.  That snap, crackle and pop you hear in the morning isn't your breakfast
     It's you getting out of bed.

2.  Your pedicurist is just about to spell your name in sequins on your big toe
     when she recommends a toe fungus cream.

3.  You fantasize about dating Dr. Oz, not because he is sexy, but because you
     want to ask him about all of your symptoms.

4.  You actually consider NOT buying the zebra print platform shoes.

5.  You look down to admire your new zebra print platform shoes (you did buy
     them...you're not THAT old, right?) and can't see them.

6.  Every time you pass by an old people's home, your son says, "That looks like
     a nice place."

7.  Your significant other tells you to please keep your clothes ON.

8.  Menopause was so long ago you get COLD flashes.

9.  You can't remember what the last blog you wrote was about...zzzz

10.  A funeral procession passes by and they ask you if you want a lift.
      (I can't take credit for this one, but I thought it was really funny).

Bette Davis said, "Aging isn't for sissies."

That's true, but when I consider the alternative, I will take the getting older part.

I may be getting old, but I am grateful for the life I have had: devoted parents, a great husband, successful loving children, a meaningful career, good friends, good health and many comforts.

And I am grateful for the life that continues - I still have all of that plus the happy memories of those who are gone.

So I plan to embrace the years ahead!

What about you?  Do you feel old?

And, OK, I know this is what I look like now.  I can deal.

But, hey, I am at a Paul McCartney concert. 
As long as I can still drag my butt to rock concerts, I can't complain.

And by the way, if you are a Beatles fan and haven't seen my blog, "Why the Beatles Matter," click on the link.

See you Friday for News and Reviews!

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  1. I'm OK with getting older, but I refuse to lose my figure! I remember reading once that you know it's all over when you no longer care to wear belts. That's now my base line - as long as the belt still fits it's all good!

    I am aware, however, of how much harder I need to work to maintain a high level of energy. That's probably the most glaring sign of my getting older. So far, I can ensure it stays high by eating clean and exercising daily. The difference in my energy if I don't do one or the other is enormous, and the quality of my life suffers accordingly, which is what motivates me to keep going.

    The other aspect is my strength - I've noticed it beginning to decline a bit, which has sent me racing back to the weight room. I now understand that doing weight strengthening exercises is going to be increasingly essential as I age. But again, the reward is in how I feel afterward. Strong and sexy . . . or at least as sexy as one can be at 51. ;-)

    1. I am with you, Tamara. I exercise at least 5 times per week and hit the weights at the gym 2-3. I can still wear belts but a bit higher than when I was young! The weight struggle is endless. You are just a young whippersnapper at 51! :)
