Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Retirement Fashion Chic: Or, I Know You are Old But Do You Have To Look Like Crap?

When you retire and don't have  to be anywhere at any time, it takes effort just getting dressed every day.  You, Baby Boomer, believe it or not, you have gotten old.  You have packed on some pounds. You have wrinkles.

All of those things make it easy to wander around looking like crap. Why bother? you may ask.  Who is going to see me, except Hubby, and he doesn't count.  You just give up on yourself.

But I maintain that it is important to "act as if..." 

You may not have an 8-5 job anymore or meetings at your child's school or even a big social life, but that is the crucial word.  Life.  You have a life and it is important.  It is important to look good to feel good (did I say that or was it Billy Crystal?).

Even when you are retired, your life is still important.  YOU are still important, so you need to LOOK important.

You don't want to be caught dead going to Safeway in pajama bottoms and furry Skechers that look like bedroom slippers. You don't want to wear a robe all day.  Even for quick errands, it is important to look presentable. You never know who you will meet.  And you know what, Hubby does count, especially if you want him to stay interested in you.

"Acting as if..." means forgetting all of that dogma about age, retirement, fat and realizing you are still fabulous.  Or at least, act as if you are. It's all in your head.

So I am going to give you some on trend fashion ideas and tips for all shapes, sizes and ages to get you out of that bathrobe, out of those sweats, out of those sensible shoes and out of those baggy jeans and sweaters and into something ---FABULOUS!

(And for you guys out there who might be reading this, we know you don't  really care how you look anymore, but the same goes for you.  We have noticed that you have let yourselves go a bit too, and that you no longer look like George Clooney).

If you go to the gym, don't just throw on sweats and a t-shirt with an embarrassing slogan on it like "Blink if you want me" or "Drunkin' Grown-ups."  Invest in some cool matching outfits like this Nike comboDon't hide your curves.  Be glad you still have some.

In cooler weather, black leggings and a long top will take you all over town and a nice scarf covers up a multitude of sins.

But this spring it's all about color. 

Just because we are old, doesn't mean we can't stand out.  Women over 50 may be invisible to the general public, but you will catch some attention in a shocking pink jacket and printed jeans. 

Roll up those sleeves and add a pocket patch and you can go everywhere from running errands to Happy Hour.

Switch up the same look with some leather and an artfully tied scarf.

A good white jacket will go with everything from spring through the summer. 

And dark denim trousers with a little flair looks good on everyone.

And don't be afraid to wear white.

Curvy women sometimes shy away from white, but if you keep it simple and monochromatic, there is no reason why you can't wear white. 

Oversize shoes are also slimming.

And who cares if you are 65? 

If you want to wear some great big fun sunglasses, then go for it!

For dressier occasions, a floral print pencil skirt looks great with boots. 

We curvy gals can wear florals on the bottom, just don't overdo it. 

Make the skirt the focal point and then tone it down with black.

Add a colorful necklace to highlight your face.


For dressy occasions, you can't beat the LBD. 

And a denim jacket and a fancy low-riding belt gives it some edge.

Or how about a fake flower, big earrings and showing a little shoulder?
And don't be afraid to get your Stevie Nicks on.  If she can still do it, so can you.
Likewise, who says we can't wear skinnies and gladiator sandals? 
**We don't want to invest a lot of money in trends that will be over by next year, so look into Forever 21 and H & M for some fun pieces like these striped skinnies. The prices are amazing (Leggings for less than $7.00, tops for $12, etc.). If you are embarrassed to be shopping there, and the sales clerks say something, just tell them at checkout your items are for your granddaughter.  That's what I do and I don't even have a granddaughter.  They have plus sizes too!
Note the leopard bag.  Animal print is always in style in any season.
Leopard print is the new black.  I have decreed it so.
And if your décolletage is not too crepey (no, I didn't say "creepy"), don't be afraid to show a little.
Don't forget a bit of make-up either. 
Some nicely waxed and trimmed eyebrows, mascara and lippy brighten your face - and big earrings are just plain fun!
I am not even going to get into the whole thing about coloring one's hair, but let's just say, I am not sure what my real color is anymore.  But whatever it is or was, it's not going to be gray.  But I know letting one's hair turn gray or white can be a political issue, so I am not going there.  I just choose to be blonde, because you know what they say..."Blondes have more..."  Well, you know.
And, finally, a great hat keeps those age spots from showing up.

Well, there you have it. 
Just some of my ideas and tips, but it's really all up to you.

Keeping up appearances keeps up your appearance. 

Don't let age or a few extra pounds be excuses to not look

See you Friday for
"My Favorite Concert and Rock & Roll Movies (and they are not the ones you would think)!"
Thanks for reading!

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