I can't believe that 2014 is almost here.
So once again it's time to make those New Year's resolutions.
As you have probably surmised, I like to include my dogs in costumes in my blogs, but I realize that is just a way to get a cheap laugh, so my first resolution is to stop using dogs in costumes as a cheap way of getting a laugh, and instead, I will work to be more serious about the topic at hand.
Every year I make New Year's resolutions, but I usually don't go back and review them. I think that's a good idea.
So, in 2013, did I do what I said I was going to do?
Let's see...
2013 Resolution #1. Lose weight.
2013 Resolution #2. Exercise more.
2013 Resolution #3. Pay more attention to my husband.
2013 Resolution #4. Watch less TV.
2013 Resolution #5. Stop buying clothes (especially since you will be retiring and won't need so many) Uh-uh...that's a no for "I can't believe how badly this is going."
2013 Resolution #6. Retire
I did do that.
Maybe that wasn't such a good idea. But one out of six isn't so bad...
is it?
Most of us don't do so well keeping our New Year's resolutions. Some statistics say we quit during January!
However, if you want to make some resolutions you can actually keep, why not try
The Library
Pick at least three of the following and I promise you, your life will be changed for the better.
- Download free e-books for your Kindle, Nook, IPad or other device from your library's website.
- Take your child or grandchild to library story times.
- If you don’t have a library card, get one. It’s free and is your ticket to so much: free DVDs, computer usage, and databases where you can find car repair information, genealogical research, newspapers and much more, all from the convenience of your own home. And you can't find this free on the Internet. Libraries purchase this information for you.
- Speaking of DVDs, why pay a service for them when you can check them out for free at the library? They have the latest releases and you can place your requests online via the web page and check out a bunch at a time.
- Never got around to learning how to use a computer? Many libraries provide free computer classes and learn how to use a mouse, find what you need on the Internet, use your email effectively, send attachments, copy and paste, all those things that have you stumped. And if you are a job hunter, we have a class highlighting job hunting resources on the Internet, as well as a laptop you can use in the library for as long as you need to.
- Need help preparing your tax return? Libraries partner with the AARP every year to help people fill out their tax returns. The service is free by appointment.
- New in town and want to meet your fellow residents? The Library is a community gathering place.
- Is your little one just starting to read? Libraries have books especially focused on new readers. And baby and family story times are designed to help your little one succeed in kindergarten.
- Have a slow Internet connection or no Internet? Free computer usage is available at the library, and if you have a laptop, most libraries also provide free
This is just a taste of what awaits you at the library if you resolve to make your life better this year.
So get yourself to the library and start on those resolutions!
Now for those other pesky personal resolutions for 2014...
Let's try one more time...
Let's try one more time...
1. Lose weight.
2. Exercise more
3. Pay more attention to my husband
4. Watch less TV
5. Stop buying clothes
2. Exercise more
3. Pay more attention to my husband
4. Watch less TV
5. Stop buying clothes
But this year, I am going to take some tips from my friend Juhli over at Boomer Girl's Guide, a blog I highly recommend and add these:
6. Keep learning
I am working on my meditation practice and reading, reading, reading
7. Focus on being happy in the present
I am keeping a gratitude journal
8. Give of yourself through volunteering
I have been appointed to the local Council on Aging - my mother didn't have a
good "end of life." I am passionate about people being able to end their days in
their own homes or in the care of their loved ones.
9. Fill my days with meaningful activity
All of the above and more
10. Laugh
This is difficult sometimes when one is feeling down, but I do tend to have a
wry take on things and can still find some humor in despair.
What are your New Year's Resolutions?
(Besides getting yourself to the library, of course).
Best wishes for a happy and productive
New Year!

Old habits die hard.
See you Friday for my Oscar Predictions
and the Week in Reviews.
Thanks for reading!
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