Friday, June 16, 2017

"The Keepers" and The Week in Reviews

[I review the new Netflix docuseries "The Keepers" as well as DVDs "Billy Lynn's Long Half Time Walk" and the film "Christine," streaming on Amazon.  The Book of the Week is another cookbook that strives to tell you the best way to make some classic recipes: "100 Recipes: The Absolute Best Ways to Make the True Essentials."  I also bring you up-to-date with "My 1001 Movies I Must See Before I Die Project" with the three and a half hour "Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles"]

The Keepers

Who killed Sister Cathy?

This seven-part Netflix docuseries explores the 1969 murder of Sister Cathy Cesnik, a popular young nun at Archbishop Keough High School (now Seton Keough High School), a Catholic girls' school in Baltimore and the horrific secrets and pain that linger nearly five decades after her death.   

The series begins with the introduction of Gemma Hoskins and Abbie Schaub, two 60-something ex-students of the school who could not let the 45-year-old unsolved murder of Sister Cathy go, and who believed that her murder was related to alleged sexual abuse of students by one or more of the priests at the school.

Through a series of interviews, we meet some of the ex-students who alleged sexual abuse by Father A. Joseph Maskell, a priest at the school who was also the school counselor and chaplain. Over the course of the series, we learn about Father Maskell and the seeming cover-up of his misdeeds by the Baltimore Archdiocese.

We also meet Sister Cathy, described as a person full of vitality and compassion.  Among the priests and nuns at the school, many who could be authoritative and stern, Sister Cathy was approachable, upbeat and happy.

Baltimore in the 1960's is portrayed as a more simplistic place and time, where blue collar Catholics lived for their little daughter's First Communion and dreamed of their sons becoming altar boys.  Archbishop Keough High School was a jewel in the Baltimore Archdiocese, a new school run by the New Sisters of Notre Dame.  It was a prestigious and competitive school that one had to apply to get into.

The centerpiece of the series is Jane Doe (real name: Jeanne Hargadon), who much later in life, after having some recovered memories about the regular sexual abuse she endured at the hands of Father Maskell, came forward with her allegations and, when she did, she discovered that she was not the only girl being abused by Father Maskell. 

In confession, Hargadon had confessed to being sexually abused by her uncle and instead of absolving her of responsibility, Maskell told her it was her fault and she needed to come to his office for "therapy."  That's when the sexual abuse began. Hargadon tells horrific stories of what continued to go on in Father Maskell's office in the guise of "therapy."  Sometimes other men were there as if Maskell was pimping these young girls out. 

It's difficult to believe that a sixteen-year-old girl could be so naïve as to not only allow something like that to happen but to let it happen over time and never tell anyone. Her very detailed descriptions of the abuse can be difficult to listen to at times, but they are necessary for us to realize what she went through and why she was so traumatized and afraid of Maskell that she remained quiet for all of those years.  She says that she blocked it all out as if it had never happened, because that was the only way she was able to deal with what was happening to her and it wasn't until 1994 that those repressed memories came back to her and she decided to do something about Father Maskell.  Riveting. 

Maskell was described as a charismatic man with a soothing, hypnotic voice.  He had a degree in psychology and might have used hypnosis and drugs.  He also targeted girls who had abuse in their lives.  When they would tell him this in confession, he would use it against them. Also these were young sheltered girls who believed all of the Catholic doctrine and who believed that priests were akin to God. Hargadon also relates how she would repress what happened, because that was the only way she could deal with the abuse. Taking all of that into account, these stories become easier to believe.

She later explains that Sister Cathy seemed to have an inkling of inappropriate behavior and asked Hargadon if anything was going on.  When Hargadon was reluctant to answer, Sister Cathy just told her to nod yes or no, which she did.  She nodded yes.  It is this interaction that led Hargadon to believe that Father Maskell had killed Sister Cathy because Sister Cathy was going to blow the whistle on him and possibly others.  

Then she shockingly reveals that Maskell took her to see Sister Cathy's body to show her what would happen to someone who told stories.

"He used her death to keep me quiet."

Did that really happen?

So Hargadon finally comes forward wanting to help solve the mystery of Sister Cathy's murder as well as doing something about Father Maskell.  However, wanting to do something about Maskell and actually being able to do something about him were two different things.

You see, Father Maskell was also the chaplain for the local police, for the State Police and the National Guard.  And his brother was a police office who often took Father Maskell on ride alongs with him.  So he was well connected and almost untouchable. Maskell also personally wielded a lot of power and fear.  He had a "How dare you question me" attitude that intimidated people.

So what finally happened? 

Did Gemma Hoskins and Abbie Schaub solve the mystery of Sister Cathy's murder?  Did Jane Doe - Jeanne Hargadon - get her day in court?  Did Father Maskell pay for what he did?  What happened to all of those girls who said Father Maskell abused them?

Director Ryan White does a good job of pacing the series.  It feels a bit like a British detective series with each episode beginning and ending with a provocative statement or scene and slowly unfolding, red herrings and all.  He also uses very close close-ups when the talking heads are talking which provides a you-are-there feeling, that the person is talking directly to you. There are also dramatizations which can sometimes be cheesy but here they are short and add just enough atmosphere.

This docuseries is similar to the highly popular and well-received "The Making of a Murderer", but comparisons can't help but be made to the film "Spotlight," which won the 2016 Best Picture Oscar, and which highlighted the cover-up of child abuse by priests in Boston.  Both this film and "Spotlight" showed how priests had been able to get away with abusing children for so long in those two predominately Catholic cities.  But unlike "Spotlight," which was more the story of the journalists who exposed the abuse, this story takes place much earlier, in the 1960's, and is much more the story of regular people up against a web of conspiracy and power.       
Rosy the Reviewer says...if you loved "Making of a Murderer," or fancy yourself a would-be detective, this is a binge-worthy series that you won't be able to stop watching.

***Some Movies You Might Have Missed***
(And Some You Will Be Glad You Did)!

Young Billy Lynn (Joe Alwyn) is brought home for a victory tour with his squad after a harrowing and heroic battle in Iraq.  But was that battle really heroic?

In 2004 after a tour of Iraq, William Lynn was awarded a silver star.  He is now on tour with his infantry buddies, doing patriotic half-time stints during football games, and promoter, Albert (Chris Tucker) is capitalizing on their heroism.  The film goes back and forth between this particular half-time walk and Billy's flashbacks of the past. Slowly, through the course of the film, we learn what really happened during that battle in Iraq.

"Kind of weird to be honored for the worst day of your life."

When Billy visits his home, we learn that his Dad is a paraplegic and his sister, Kathryn (Kristen Stewart in a very small role and frankly unnecessary role), has a disfigured face from a car accident.  We learn that one of the reasons that Billy joined the army was because he had beaten up Kathryn's boyfriend for dumping her after she became disfigured.

There is also a flirtation with a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader, Faison (Makenzie Leigh), which doesn't really go anywhere.

And that's the problem with this movie. 

It doesn't really go anywhere.  It's a depiction of callow young men sent to fight a war they didn't really have a clue about and who are now being used as patriotic pawns to parade out at half time at a football game like a circus act.  Movies about callow young men being used as pawns of war and feeling guilty about what they have done has been done before.  Despite the heartfelt speeches in close-ups, the film didn't feel very sincere and perhaps that was the fault of young Joe Alwyn, who was very phlegmatic and played Billy with little energy. This was Joe Alwyn's first feature film and an interesting casting choice since Alwyn is British and Billy is from Texas. Steve Martin and Vin Diesel also make appearances.

Based on a novel by Ben Fountain, directed by Ang Lee and with a screenplay by Jean-Christoph Castelli, I found this to be a disappointing film, probably because of what I have come to expect from Ang Lee. 

Ang, Ang, Ang. Why?  After directing such films as "Sense and Sensibility" and "Brokeback Mountain," what drew you to this film project?  It just didn't really have much impact and when I watch your films, I expect to feel something.

Rosy the Reviewer idea that didn't really go anywhere and took too long to not get there.

Christine (2016)

The story of real life newswoman, Christine Chubbuck, who in the 1970's was struggling with depression and personal struggles as she tried to advance her TV career and who made her own headlines when she shot herself in the head on camera.

Not to be confused with the Stephen King book and horror film of the same name about a malevolent car, this film is even more of a horror film because this Christine is Christine Chubbuck, the newswoman who shot herself on air.  Yes, you heard me.

Christine (Rebecca Hall) was toiling at a TV station in Sarasota, Florida in the 1970's, very much like the place where Mary Richards worked on "The Mary Tyler Moore Show." But that's where the similarity ends.  Christine was no Mary Richards. 

In the film, Christine lives with her Mom and is having difficulties getting ahead.  The TV station is on the wane and the boss is pushing for higher ratings and juicier stories. But that isn't really her problem.  Christine's real problem is that she doesn't have much in the way of people skills.  She is awkward, depressed and suffering from stomach pains.  She is also feisty and outspoken and that doesn't help her uneasy relationship with her boss. But she also has integrity and wants to do meaningful stories.  There are some allusions to "Boston," where Christine had worked before and where she must have had some kind of meltdown. She is a virgin, always wanted a husband and a family and all of that seems to be eluding her, so early on you get the feeling that Christine is on a downward spiral. 

The owner of the station has arrived to choose someone to work in their new Baltimore station which would be a big step up for Christine, so she does what she can to get noticed and get that job. Though her main job at the station is to do human interest stories, and she is disgusted by the sensationalizing of news stories just to get ratings, she gets a police radio and chases ambulances hoping to get a really big story so she can make a name for herself.

"If it bleeds, it leads."

However, when she finds out that several other team members, people she considers beneath her, are headed to Baltimore without her, that seems to be the nail in her coffin, literally.

No one can ever know what has gone on in the mind of someone who commits suicide, and this film doesn't really give us answers as to why Christine did what she did.  But this film does a good job of showing a fragile personality feeling desperately unsuccessful in life and what that desperate person might see as a final successful act.

 On July 15, 1974, Christine Chubbuck began her live broadcast:

"In keeping with Channel 40's policy of bringing you the latest in 'blood and guts', and in living color, you are going to see another first —attempted suicide."

And then she shot herself in the head.

The word "attempted" made me wonder if she just wanted to do something really shocking and not actually kill herself, but we will never know.

Rebecca Hall is a wonderful actress and I keep waiting for her to break out and make it big. She is a wonderful British actress who has played so many Americans that when I see her doing herself on talk shows or in British films and hear her British accent I am always surprised.  She can play anything and anyone and perhaps that is the problem.  She inhabits her characters so well that you forget the real woman. 

Here she is on screen for the entire two hours and her performance is why you keep watching despite the fact that it's on record how it ends. Hall must have done her homework about the real Christine because I found her unrecognizable and her voice to be very irritating, which must have been how the real Christine sounded.  She is a wonderful actress who I am still hoping will break out as a superstar. I wrote about her back in 2014 in my post "15 Really, Really Good Actors You Have Never Heard Of," so you can see I've been a fan for a long time and have been waiting for her to make it big.  However, unfortunately, it's not going to be this movie that will tip the scales.  Not because it's not a good film.  It is, but because I had a terrible time even finding it.  It played in the theatres for about a day, and I had to watch it on Amazon.

Directed by Antonio Campos with a screenplay by Craig Shilowich and with a great 70's soundtrack, the film does a good job of showing what it's like behind the scenes at a TV station, the day-to-day drudgery, the dog-eat-dog competition and the insecurities and stresses that could lead a fragile personality to a very desperate act.

Rosy the Reviewer says...a dark character study brought to life by the wonderful performance by Hall.

***My 1001 Movies I Must See Before I Die Project***

198 to go!
Have YOU seen this classic film?

A lonely widow goes about her day, taking care of her son and her home and turning the occasional trick.

Jeanne Dielman (Delphine Seyrig) is a buttoned-up housewife who would seem to be the last person you would suspect of entertaining gentlemen for money in the afternoon.  But I guess it's those quiet types you need to look out for.

This is one of those slice of life films, except this slice of life is a long one - three and a half hours - and a slice of life where practically everything is in real time e.g. we see Jeanne cooking and, in the time that the camera is on her, she cooks an entire meal.  We watch her striking the match, lighting the gas. The doorbell rings, she wipes her hands, takes off her apron, walks down the hall, answers the door, greets the gentleman, takes his coat and hat, on and on like that for three and a half hours - in real time.

Now if that sounds interesting to you, then you might like this film.  I found it very tedious. I mean when she takes a bath, do we really need to see her not only cleaning her ears but then after watching the entire bath, cleaning the tub?

There is a bit of a pay off and that is that our bored housewife is also a prostitute.  There is also some nudity because this is a European film after all.  But even with that, it's all very slow and tedious. So a guy comes to the door, Jeanne takes care of the gentleman and then it's back to the stove. Zzzzzzz.

It goes on like that for three hours and 15 minutes and then in the last 15 minutes we see Jeanne's constrained life unraveling - big time - in yet another dark character study.  But I just can't justify that first three hours and 15 minutes for that pay off.  And even that last "shocking" scene was really not that shocking - just a shocking scene done in a boring way.

Though I can appreciate this film from a sort of cinema verite perspective, this is one of those films you could fast-forward through and get just as much out of it, almost like watching a fast moving silent film.  So that's what I did. This film reminded me of one of those Andy Warhol films where he filmed people sleeping.

How did this film make it into the "1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die?"

Well, let's see:

Why it's a Must See: "One of the key works of feminist filmmaking...Belgian director Chantal Akerman's minimalist admittedly demanding viewing...Although the film is taxing, its rewards are great...For one, Akerman's feminist thesis is conveyed with a cogent urgency as a result of her decision to depict Jeanne's life in such unsparing detail.  It isn't enough for Akerman to suggest the tedium of her protagonist's selfless existence, but rather, by explicitly presenting the drab banality of her routine in real time, Akerman expertly conveys the stifling emptiness that ultimately drives Jeanne to her tragic final act...It may be the kind of picture that's better to contemplate in theory rather than as a vehicle for viewing pleasure, but for the spectator attuned to Akerman's austere approach, her film remains, in many respects, an unforgettable achievement."
---"1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die"

OK, I guess I am not attuned to her "austere approach" and would rather have contemplated this in theory.  Did I mention that I am not really a fan of movies that use real time?

Rosy the Reviewer says...I guess I am not the sophisticated movie goer I thought I was.  This was a snooze fest!
(In French with English subtitles)

***Book of the Week***

100 Recipes: The Absolute Best Way to Make the True Essentials by the Editors of America's Test Kitchen (2017)

Not just the "best way" to make some classic recipes, the ABSOLUTE best way.

America's Test Kitchen?  Did they steal that name from "Rosy's Test Kitchen?"  No not really.  I think they were there first.  Actually, I know they were there first, but we both have the same idea.  Test things and then report what we have learned, giving tips, secrets and insights and that is what this cookbook does.

"This book has been tested, written, and edited by the folks at America's Test Kitchen, a very real 2,500-square-foot kitchen located just outside of Boston.  It is the home of Cook's Illustrated magazine and Cook's Country magazine and is the Monday-through-Friday destination for more than four dozen test cooks, editors, food scientists, tasters, and cookware speicalists.  Our mission is to test recipes over and over again until we understand how and why they work and until we arrive at the "best" version."

In the preface by Christopher Kimball, the founder and Editor of "Cook's Illustrated" and "Cook's Country," he says

"Here's how I would use this book: Pick the 10 recipes that you are most likely to make time and time again.  Make them until you don't need to look at the recipe instructions (nobody remembers ingredients lists!).  Now you have become a real cook -- you can cook without a recipe and you understand the core principles.  Then take another 10 recipes...If you can cook 20 of the recipes in this book without referring to the instructions then you have become a serious cook and more accomplished than 99 percent of your friends and neighbors.  It's really that simple."

Simple?  I wouldn't go that far but I get it.  Whenever I watch TV cooking shows like "Masterchef" and "Top Chef," I am always amazed how the contestants can come up with recipes out of thin air, not knowing what the mystery ingredients are going to be.  I am sure they have a repertoire and anticipate some of it, but it's certainly a skill I would like to acquire.  I am still tied to most of my recipes except the ground beef stroganoff that I have been making since I was first married at 19 (to someone else, not to Hubby). I can do that one by heart.

The cookbook is broken into three main chapters:

"The Absolute Essentials: Classic Recipes that Really Matter"

This sort of thing:

Scrambled eggs
Fried eggs
Rice Pilaf
Spaghetti and Meatballs
Grilled Cheese

"The Surprising Essentials: Innovative Recipes You Didn't Know You Needed:"


Spaghetti with Pecorino and Pepper
Tomato Soup
Apple Pie

and then

"The Global Essentials: Exciting Recipes that Bring the World to Your Kitchen:"

Here you will find classic recipes from around the world from simple rice and beans to potstickers to Tinga.  I need to look up what Tinga is.

So I have decided to take up Mr. Kimball's challenge and choose ten recipes to learn by heart so I can call myself a serious cook.

And here are the ten recipes I am going to start with:

  • Vinaigrette
  • Spaghetti with Garlic and Oil
  • Pancakes and bacon
  • Pan Seared Chicken Breasts
  • Stir-Fried Beef and broccoli 
  • Roast Chicken
  • Chicken Soup
  • Biscuits
  • Chocolate Chip Cookies
  • Brownies

I chose those because I think I should be able to make pancakes and biscuits without looking at a recipe and since I haven't met a chicken breast I haven't over-cooked, I think it's time I got some tips.

I will report back on an up-coming "Rosy's Test Kitchen," so stay-tuned to find out how well I do.

One complaint I used to have about the "Test Kitchen" cookbooks was the lack of color pictures.  Looks like they have remedied that problem somewhat as there are many more color photographs than I remember from other cookbooks.

What I really Liked: Each recipe includes a tutorial called "Why this recipe works" where the recipe is broken down into its componants with tips e.g. for the spaghetti and meatballs, there is a discussion about the best meat for the meatballs (they came to the conclusion that a 2:1 ratio with beef and pork gave them a richer, meatier taste).  Likewise adding a little prosciutto enhanced the flavor and using panko rather than fresh bread crumbs was more convenient and actually did a better job of holding the balls together.  I did not know that!

Those are the kinds of tips I enjoy.  As I have said in the past, I actually like reading cookbooks.  Yes, I like to cook and I love to eat, but I enjoy reading about food too and this cookbook gives you the best of both worlds.  Great recipes and you get to read all about them.

Rosy the Reviewer says...A perfect addition to "Rosy's Test Kitchen!"  Stay-tuned!

Thanks for reading!

 See you next Friday 

for my review of  

"Wonder Woman"


 The Week in Reviews
(What to See or Read and What to Avoid)

 and the latest on

"My 1001 Movies I Must See Before 

 I Die Project."

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Go to, find the movie you are interested in.  Once there, click on the link that says "Explore More" on the right side of the screen.  Scroll down to External Reviews and when you get to that page, you will find Rosy the Reviewer alphabetically on the list.

NOTE:  On some entries, this has changed.  If you don't see "Explore More" on the right side of the screen, scroll down just below the description of the film in the middle of the page. Click where it says "Critics." Look for "Rosy the Reviewer" on the list.

Or if you are using a mobile device, look for "Critics Reviews." Click on that and you will find me alphabetically under "Rosy the Reviewer."

Friday, June 9, 2017

"Everything Everything" and The Week in Reviews

[I review the new film "Everything, Everything" as well as DVDs "Frank and Lola" and "Our Little Sister."  The Book of the Week is Dr. Phil's "Self Matters."  Yes, you heard me.  Dr. Phil.  Try to have an open mind. I also bring you up-to-date with "My 1001 Movies I Must See Before I Die Project" with "The Killing of a Chinese Bookie."]

Everything, Everything

Yet another installment in the dying teen genre.

You may be shaking your head and wondering what I am doing at this YA-dying-girl-love-story movie.  Well, sometimes when your only choices are between "The Boss Baby," Alien: Covenant" and "Lowriders," you gotta go for what you can tolerate, and I am always down for a good love story.

Anyway, Madeline (Amandla Stenberg), or Maddy, has just turned 18 and she has never been out of the house.  She has SCID (Severe Combined Immune Deficiency), which basically means she is allergic to everything.  Remember that made-for-TV movie starring John Travolta - "The Boy in the Plastic Bubble?"  Well, it's like that except she is not kept in a bubble.  She is kept in a very expensive modern house with her doctor mother and a nurse, Carla (Ana de la Reguera).  Sometimes Carla's daughter gets to visit, but that's about it.  Maddy doesn't get to interact with anyone else.  So she is very lonely, but she seems to accept her fate.

I couldn't help but wonder, though, if the nurse and her daughter can be decontaminated and pass muster, why can't other people also be decontaminated so our young girl can have some friends?  But then I realized that if I start to ask questions like that, then these kinds of movies would make even less sense. Maddy's mother, Pauline (Anika Noni Rose), is a doctor and she loves her daughter, but she is adamant that Maddy can never go outside.  She lost her husband and son in some kind of accident and she is going to be damned if she loses Madeline too.

So Maddy keeps herself busy taking architecture courses online and designing buildings and such with a little astronaut figure living in the model.  I will get to that little astronaut figure in a minute.

Soon Ollie (Nick Robinson) and his family move in next door, and from the first moment that Ollie arrives, he sees Maddy looking out her window and he is instantly smitten.  Turns out Ollie has a troubled family life which somehow is supposed to explain why he doesn't have a girlfriend, but girlfriends (I'm talking to the ladies here because I highly doubt any men will go see this movie), he is one fine lad and it is very difficult to believe he doesn't have a girlfriend, because he's so hot.  I actually remember Nick from the agregious "The 5th Wave."  It's amazing that I remembered anything from that movie so he's that hot.

Anyway, I digress.

For some lucky reason, Ollie's bedroom window is practically on top of Maddy's, so they are able to wave to each other, hold notes up to the window and read each other's lips. That progresses to texting and phone calls. Now that could get really boring, just watching two actors texting or watching them talk on the phone, so Maddy's architectural models and that little astronaut figure I mentioned?  Well, it is used as a device for Maddy's imagination so that Ollie and she can get together and talk.  The astronaut walks around and does stuff while they are talking and I have absolutely no idea how the astronaut fits into this thing and, actually, I found it really irritating.  But finally Maddy is able to talk her nurse Carla into decomtaminating Ollie and letting him visit in person so we don't have to live in Maddy's imagination anymore with that strange astronaut walking around. 

So naturally when the two meet in person that leads to natural teen urges like kissing and wanting to get the hell out of the sanitized prison Maddy is living in. Well, when Mom finds out that Ollie was actually in the house, there is hell to pay and Carla gets fired and Maddy promises she, not only won't see Ollie again, she won't even answer his texts.

If you saw "Me Before You," this film is very much like that.  You can bet that Madeline is going to get out of the house and she and Ollie are going to go somewhere together so that Maddy can experience life before she dies.  Maddy is obsessed with the ocean so she manages to get two tickets to Hawaii and off they go.

Now this is where the film lost me.

First of all, Maddy instantly gets a credit card online with no job and no credit history, with a credit limit that allows her to get two roundtrip tickets to Hawaii!  She even exclaims to Ollie how easy it is to get a credit card.  Maddy, really?I don't think so. It ain't THAT easy!

Second, if you had a really bad immune deficiency disorder, would you really want to get on an airplane?  That is a flying coffin if ever there was one for someone like Madeline where everyone is breathing each other's air, coughing into it and doing god knows what else.  They were in Masschusetts.  If she wants to see the ocean, couldn't they just do a road trip to Cape Cod?

I've already talked about the girlfriend thing.  Ollie is so handsome and yes, sensitive, but why fall in love at first sight with a neighbor and then hang around when he discovers she can never go outside? Then when she stops answering texts, he still hangs in there? Madeline is cute but hardly love at first sight material.

Cliches also abound like when they kiss, fireworks literally go off out the window. I kid you not. I actually laughed out loud when that happened. I am not very good about that kind of over-the-top obvious hit-me-over-the-head kind of thing. 

So with all of that, my mind started to wander a bit because this was all so predictable - except maybe her getting on an airplane - and I started fantasizing about a possible plot twist that would make this film more interesting. I started thinking "What if....?"


So add that to the film losing me.  I even figured out the plot twist.

Like I said earlier, this film was not aimed at women of a certain age, so maybe I am the wrong person to ask about this film.  It was aimed at teenaged girls, but I really wonder what they would think of it.  Stenberg and Robinson are engaging young people, but the screenplay by J. Mills Goodloe (based on the YA novel by Nicola Yoon) was overdramatic and the dialogue was stilted. Directed by Stella Meghie, this felt more like a Lifetime movie than a feature film.

Rosy the Reviewer says...if you already saw "Me Before You," you have pretty much seen this film - except for that plot twist, which you can probably figure out.

***Some Movies You Might Have Missed***
(And Some You Will Be Glad You Did)!


Frank and Lola (2016)

This is one of those psychosexual dark love stories where two people who should never get together get together. 

Frank (Michael Shannon) is a chef in Las Vegas but has lost his job so he takes a job catering.  Lola (Imogen Poots) is just out of design college and has gotten her first job.  The two meet and everything is all lovey-dovey for the first 30+ minutes and then the proverbial you-know-what hits the fan.

She is supposed to go to LA with Frank and his friends and she is late.  Turns out the reason she was late was because she was having sex with another man.  You can bet that doesn't go over well with Frank because he already has some dark issues so he breaks it off with Lola.  This break-up puts Frank in a really bad mood so that when he sees a girl being mistreated by her boyfriend, he beats him up thus resulting in an arrest.  Lola bails him out and the relationship resumes.

However, it becomes very clear very fast that these two have issues.

Frank is still upset about Lola's cheating so she tries to explain herself by telling Frank that she was raped by her mother's lover, a rich Swedish writer, when she was a young girl and that's why she has issues with other men.  She uses that as an excuse.  This all eats away at Frank. He wants to go to Paris where the Swedish writer lives and seek revenge on him but he's unemployed so not really a good idea.  However, he is not happy because Lola is less than trustworthy. Then he encounters Lola at a dinner he is catering.  She is with another man, Keith (Justin Long), which shouldn't go over well with Frank, but Keith befriends Frank and gets him an audition at a restaurant in Paris.

Aha!  Paris.  Now he can seek revenge on the man who raped Lola.  But before he does that, he needs to cook the dinner of his life to impress the Paris restaurant owner and the next few scenes will appeal to foodies as it's the equivalent of foodie porn.  However, Frank uses some truffles with a dish which is a seeming faux pas (see?  I know my French).  Is that going to scuttle Frank's chances at the chef job?

While waiting for the results of his audition, Frank thinks, hey, why don't I just go take care of that creepy Swedish rapist?  He finds Alan (Michael Nyquist) and ingratiates himself with him, and Alan, not knowing why Frank is there, offers to show Frank around Paris.  When Frank finally confronts Alan about Lola and is ready to kill him,  Alan tells him his side of things, that Lola is not the sweet little victim she purports to be and was actually involved in pornography and god knows what else.  Now Frank feels that Lola has set him up.  It seems that there is more to our Lola than we thought. Or is there?

Despite the incident with the truffles, Frank gets the chef job in Paris. When Frank returns home and confronts Lola with what he found out from Alan, Lola says Alan is lying.  Yes, the rape happened but she fell in love with Alan.  Then she got pregnant and Alan's wife paid her to get lost and that's when she met Frank.  But then Alan came back.  Sheesh!

Who should he believe?  Who is telling the truth and who is playing Frank? Do we care?

This film is like one of those short stories that has a plot with a specific twist pay off, kind of like an O. Henry short story.  Everything that happens leads up to the big twist. It's also one of those love stories where love must be proven.  Frank tells Lola if you are here when I come back then it's love.  Will she be there?

Michael Shannon as a leading man?  Interesting concept. But not to get too carried away with the concept, he is still morose and damaged as we have come to expect of him, but a mesmerizing actor.

And I have always liked Imogen Poots especially her brave last name. However, she's a bit of a hard sell as a 22-year-old who has just graduated from college (she's 28).  It's also good to see Rosanna Arquette again, this time as Lola's mother, another interesting concept.  However, when the subjects of rock ballads from the 70's start playing peoples' mothers, you know you are getting old.  And Justin Long is one of those odd looking millennial actors who along with Adam Driver are unlikely leading men.  I'm not buying it.

Written and directed by Matthew Ross, this is one of those love stories between two damaged souls, and for the film to work, we need to care about them and I kind of didn't.

Rosy the Reviewer says...I call these kinds of love stories psycho love stories where two people fall in love but have so many secrets and issues that they drive each other crazy and watching drives us crazy too!

Our Little Sister (2015)

Three sisters living together with their grandmother discover that they have another sister they didn't know about.

Three sisters, Sachi (Haruka Ayase), Yoshino (Masami Nagasawa) and Chika (Kaho), live together.  Their father, who was on his third wife (not their mother) and whom the sisters had not seen in 15 years, has just died, and the sisters discover that they have a "little sister" they didn't know about.

Two of the sisters go to their father's village for the funeral and to meet their sister, Suzu (Suzu Asano), meet their father's latest wife, Yoko (Yuko Nakamura), and learn about their Dad.  They learn that their Dad was kind of useless.  He had bad financial investments and affairs with women.  As the girls leave to go home, Suzu brings them a letter from their Dad and they learn that it was Suzu who had taken care of their Dad when he was dying. They bond with her and invite her to come to live with them and she does.

Keep in mind that the sisters know absolutely nothing about Suzu. Sachi, the oldest sister, is warned by their great auntie what a chore it is to raise a child and reminds Sachi that Suzu is the child of the woman who ruined their family.  Auntie is also a bit concerned that Sachi doesn't have a husband yet and raising their little sister isn't going to help that.

When Suzu arrives she joins her school's soccer team and quickly makes friends. Slowly we learn about the sisters. Sachi is a nurse and interested in one of the doctors at the hospital. Yoshino works at a bank and has man problems.  She keeps getting dumped.  Chika is the offbeat one who likes to drink.  Speaking of drinking, one night Suzu gets drunk and we find out that she hates her step-mother, Yoko and that her Dad was an idiot.

So the first hour of the film shows the sisters all bonding and everything seems hunky dory, and it's all a celebration of sisterhood.  But then their mother shows up.  They haven't seen her in 14 years.  What gives?  The mother is then confronted with Suzu, the daughter of the woman who stole her husband.  Suzu feels guilty that her mother fell in love with a married man and Sachi has to face her own hypocrisy because that doctor who is interested in her is married.  Suzu's appearance in the sister's lives becomes a mirror for each of the women to examine their own lives. The girls realize that their Dad was kind of useless, but ultimately declare him a kind man "because he left us our little sister."

Written and directed by Hirokazu Koreeda and based on a manga by Akimi Yoshida, this is a sweet film but very lightweight.  Because Suzu's past was mysterious, I kept waiting for something to happen, for this movie to turn into a Lifetime Movie version of "The Bad Seed" where "little sister" turns out to be a revenge seeking murderess but that didn't happen. But that's OK. This is one of those films where not much happens, but you just relax and bask in the beautiful cinematography by Takimoto Mikiya and the lives of people in another culture and the sense of humanity that reminds us that despite a difference in culture, we are all not so different. 

Rosy the Reviewer says...a sweet reminder that despite our different cultures, we all have some of the same family dramas.
(In Japanese with English subtitles)

***My 1001 Movies I Must See Before I Die Project***

199 to go!

Have YOU seen this classic film?

The Killing of a Chinese Bookie (1976)

When L.A. strip club owner Cosmo Vitelli (Ben Gazzara) runs up a gambling debt with the mob that he can't pay, they give him one choice: kill a guy who is horning in on their business.

Ben Gazzara stars as Cosmo Vitelli, the owner of a seedy strip club, the Crazy Horse West, that appears to be struggling.  Cosmo is also struggling with a bit of a gambling habit.  He loses $23,000 one night at a club run by the mob and can't pay so they make a deal with him.  Kill a Chinese bookie they think is cutting in on some of their profits and they will forgive the debt.  What Cosmo doesn't know is that they think, because Cosmo is an amateur, he will get killed trying to kill the bookie and then they can take control of his strip club.  That's their plan anyway.

But you know how plans go...

The film is very atmospheric and captures the seedy side of life in L.A. during the 1970's. There are some great scenes in the strip club with the decadent M.C. Mr. Sophistication (Meade Roberts) who would give Joel Grey in "Cabaret" a run for his money.  I also loved the clothes, all very 70's, the men with hair and suits like John Travolta in "Saturday Night Fever."

Written and directed by John Cassavetes, this is a slow-moving character study, very cinema verite, very improvisational with innovative camerwork as was Cassabetes' signature style.  There is a "you are there" sense to this film.  But Cassavetes was also one of those directors who had a hard time editing his own work so I found his movies to be long and slow-moving.  Here he also takes a long time to get to the point, as if he is admiring his own work as he goes along.  Maybe I just don't have the attention span I used to. I don't like films in real time, where we see someone walking all of the way down the hall, step by step by step.  I am more of a fan of a tightly edited film where we see the person head down the hall and then he's there.

However, Gazzara is a wonderful, mesmerizing actor and totally believable as Cosmo. He just reeks of a character who is at the end of his road.  

Why it's a Must See:  "A personal, deeply felt character study rather than a routine action picture...(Ben Gassara at his best..."
---"1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die"

Rosy the Reviewer says...I enjoy the stories that Cassavetes tells and this movie is no exception.  I just wish it didn't take so long for him to tell those stories.

***Book of the Week***

Self Matters: Creating Your Life from Inside Out by Dr. Phil McGraw (2003)

Phil McGraw, AKA Dr. Phil, wants you to find your real self.

Not sure why I decided I needed to read this .  I remembered that there was a segment on his show that spoke to me and he mentioned this book, but when I picked this book up at the library, I couldn't remember why I wanted it.  I thought I had already found my real self.  And, OK, yes, people, I "sometimes" watch Dr. Phil, and as I said in a recent post, I watch because I am interested in psychology and the misery of others.  Nothing like someone else's misery to perk up your day.

But, yes, I often find him arrogant and didactic and, when you look at him straight on, he sort of looks like a gorilla, but I have to give the guy some credit.  He doesn't pull any punches and he gets to the heart of the matter.  And best yet, Oprah loves him.  She in fact discovered him, put him on her talk show from time to time, and eventually gave him his own show.  If Oprah likes him, then he's OK with me.

Anyway, so I started to read the book and discovered why it interested me. 

On one of his shows he talked about "The 10 defining moments that define your life" and I wanted to find out what they were.  I didn't realize that I was the one who had to figure out what those defining moments were.  In fact, I discovered from this book that if I wanted to find my true self I had to take all kinds of really hard tests and quizzes and write stuff down, and it was just too much work to get to my true self.

But I did find that his message is a good one.

So to summarize, it is important to focus on YOU, to find your true, authentic self.  He defines what "self" is and then goes on to discuss all of those fixed and limiting beliefs that keep us from our true selves and from living the happy, meaningful lives we deserve.

Dr. Phil relates stories from his own life throughout the book to illustrate his points, such as the first time he realized life wasn't fair or that his life was not making him happy.

And those Ten Defining Moments? 

Those are the events in your life that helped shape you.  They won't make headlines on the nightly news but they were important to you at the time and help explain why you think and do the things you do. One of mine was being called a Freckle-Faced Monster when I was around seven (and you know who you are)!

However, Dr. Phil doesn't stop at the "Ten Defining Moments."  There are "Your Seven Critical Choices,""Your Five Pivotal People," and his "Five Step Action Plan" followed by "Putting the Plan to Work." He likes numbers.

He ends the book by saying:

"What matters is that you commit to finding and reconnection with your authentic self...What matters is that you challenge and rewrite your personal truth and live a life that lets you be who you really are."

Basically, he is telling you not to put up with any bull****, from yourself -that personal baggage from your past that is pulling you down - or from others.  Pardon my French, but that's how Dr. Phil would call it.

Rosy the Reviewer says...a worthwhile little workbook to help you find what makes you tick, what could be holding you back or creating unhappiness in your life. And when you think about it, reading this book and taking the little tests is a lot cheaper than it would be to hire Dr. Phil!

Thanks for reading!

See you next Friday 

for my review of 

the new Netflix docuseries 

"The Keepers"


 The Week in Reviews
(What to See or Read and What to Avoid)

 and the latest on

"My 1001 Movies I Must See Before 

 I Die Project." 

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