The good days or the bad days?
Well, since it's my blog, I get to decide, and I always think it's best to get the bad news, er, bad days out of the way first because, then the good news, or in this case, the good days seem even better, right?
Looking back on my early blog posts that I wrote when we were first sheltering in place ("What I Have Learned While Sheltering in Place...Parts 1, 2 and 3"), I was all full of hope and going on and on about gratitude, having a sense of humor, telling you what to do if you were having a bad day and yada-yada-yada. But what I didn't do was actually talk about those bad days. Now almost three months later, I am really pissed off.
I've had it with reminding myself what a good life I have had, with masks and Zoom, with feeling like I need to be productive since I have all of this time on my hands (yesterday I defrosted the freezer and cleaned out the refrigerator - not fun), eating at home and bingewatching TV. Yes, folks, even I can get overdosed on the telly. And it doesn't help that in the midst of it all, there are those really...
Bad Days
- It's a bad day when I wake up with a sense of dread because of the state of the world. It doesn't help that along with a worldwide pandemic and overt racism, I just found out there is an asteroid the size of a football field headed toward earth, and to make matters even worse, the gardener from hell is outside my bedroom window with his weed wacker or leaf blower (same thing) before 9 am. That's the beginning of a bad day. Okay, judgy, so I like to sleep in. Shoot me.
- And when I do get up, this doesn't help. I get on the scale...
- Next, I get in the shower after realizing I haven't bathed in days only to discover there is no water pressure. Oh, that's what those guys from the water company were doing out there. Trying to ruin my life on this already very, very bad day.
- Then, I look in my closets (I have three of them) and realize I will never wear all of those clothes in my lifetime, because I haven't been out of my pajamas in weeks! Now it's not only a bad day, I'm disgusted with myself!
- And then, if I want to go out, I have to wear a mask - not a particularly good look. I didn't let my ass get big to save my face only to have to cover my face up! (and if you don't get the reference about saving your face versus your ass, here it is). Having to wear a mask when I go out makes for a bad day. But I can add a positive spin. I now have masks in a variety of prints and colors to match all of those clothes I will never wear!
- When "The View" is on hiatus, I am bummed. I need those ladies to get me started. Bad day when they are not around.
- And then I get an invitation to Zoom. I'm sorry, folks, but for me, Zoom overdose has set in. Yes, it's wonderful to keep in touch with friends and see them face-to-face, and I am grateful that anyone gives a crap about keeping in touch with me, but don't you find that hanging with people on Zoom for hours at a time can be exhausting? Sitting attentively and everyone getting a chance to share is one thing, but there is always someone who can't stop talking. At least when we used to meet in restaurants and bars, when that happened we could excuse ourselves. On Zoom? Awk-ward.
- But finally, after an already bad day, I settle down in the living room, only to discover that there is nothing on the television that I actually want to watch. That's a very bad day.
- And then, the next day, I wake up to find that yet another black person was killed by the police or white vigilantes. The worst day.
So those are the bad days.
But what makes a good day?
- I live in one of the most beautiful places in the world, and I can walk to practically everything. When I do that, it's usually a good day! However, I have to get myself off my butt and out the door, which is a bit difficult wearing pajamas. But I can sometimes do that.
- The family comes to visit. That's a good day!
- And when I wake up to find a new email from my nine-year-old and seven-year-old grandsons, that's a good day!
- Likewise, when an old friend calls out of the blue to tell me how much our friendship has meant to her. That's a good day!
- And as things start to open up, we can go to a restaurant for some outdoor dining and pretend that things are sort of normal. That's a good day!
- And then, these guys. Humans can learn from the unconditional love and purity of heart demonstrated by dogs. Looking into those little faces always turns a bad day into a better day.
- It's also a good day when we find a way to hang out with friends outside. I like seeing my friends in person!
- Helping other people takes my mind off of myself, so when I am able to do things that help others, that, in turn, helps me, lifts my spirits, and makes for a good day. (In general, I have always tried to not just live my life for myself but for others too. I don't have much patience with people who only live for themselves. When I encounter those people, that's a bad day).
- Young and old coming out all over the world to protest racism gives me hope. Yes, it's scary considering the pandemic, but I have a good day when I see that my fellow humans care about this, that white people understand white privilege and that the hope for real change is in the air. When we are all anti-racists, it will be the best day ever!
Here is a start...
So there you have it. While this whole Covid-19 pandemic really, really sucks and the world seems to be going to hell, there are those bright spots. I have to cling to those until life improves for all of us.
Until then, I will try to follow the sage advice of Elizabeth Taylor:
So how are you doing? Bad days or good days?
Thanks for Reading!
And I Hope to See you Soon...
Here and on my Rosy the Reviewer Facebook Page!
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